What is 3D Dermaforce?

3D Dermaforce combines microneedling with radio frequency (RF) for a skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing treatment. 3D Dermaforce stimulates the body’s natural healing process to encourage collagen production.

This versatile treatment targets a range of concerns including:

Fine lines and wrinkles

Loose skin

Sun damage and pigmentation

Stretch marks

Pitted skin, scarring or skin texture

The radio frequency waves heat the collagen fibres to 55 – 65 degrees Celsius. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process and increases cell turnover. As the body heals, the production of collagen and elastin is boosted to the targeted area.

During RF Microneedling treatment the radio frequency energy is delivered through gold-plated needles which are suitable for anyone with metal allergies. These needles target the deep dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.

Common areas to treat with RF Microneedling include:

Crow’s feet
Smile lines
Neck and decolletage
Marionette lines
Jowls and jawline
Above the knee

Results can be seen after one treatment, but a course of 3 treatments are recommended for optimum results

What are the benefits of RF Microneedling?

Patients from Berkshire are choosing 3D Dermaforce because:

Skin will look plumper and there will be a reduction to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Quality and tone of the skin will improve
3D Dermaforce treatment is quick and painless
Non-surgical with little to no side effects or downtime
Younger looking skin and a boost to your self esteem

Why choose Fab Face in Berkshire for RF Microneedling?

Patients from Reading and Berkshire are choosing Fab Face for 3D Dermaforce because:

We are a professional and friendly team with over 10 years’ experience in facial aesthetics

The team are fully licensed medical practitioners with indemnity insurance
Fab Face is a clinical healthcare set in relaxing surroundings
We are CQC (Care Quality Commission) compliant which means our service is safe and effective
The wide range of treatments used at Fab Face are of the highest quality and clinically proven

Fab Face offers flexible opening hours including Saturdays

Summary for RF Microneedling treatment

Procedure Time

Approximately 20 to 60 minutes depending upon the area being treated


You will notice results after the first treatment, but we recommend a course of 3 treatments. Results last for about 6 months

Side Effects

Minimal. You may notice some redness to skin after having the treatment which will disappear after a couple of hours. You can continue with your usual activities straight away

Frequency of Treatments

We recommend a course of 3 treatments. Maintenance treatments are recommended once a year after that

Frequently Asked Questions about RF Microneedling

Is there anything I need to avoid doing after having 3D Dermaforce treatment?

You should avoid exposure to the sun and sun beds for 24 hours. Avoid exercise and swimming. You should also avoid heat and steam from e.g. showers and saunas.

How does it feel to have 3D Dermaforce treatment?
As the radio frequency energy is delivered into your skin, you may notice a feeling of warmth and slight pressure to your skin. Afterwards your skin will feel like you have been in the sun.
Is there any downtime after 3D Dermaforce treatment?
You may experience some pinkness and slight swelling which will last up to 3 days. Your skin may feel dry. Your practitioner will recommend hydrating products which you can use at home.